Chara is a genus of charophyte green algae in the family Characeae. They are multicellular and closely resemble land
plants due to their stem-like and leaf-like structures. They are found in freshwater, especially in limestone areas
throughout the northern temperate zone, where they grow submerged, attached to muddy bottoms. They prefer low-
oxygen and hard water and are not found in areas where mosquito larvae reside. They are covered with calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) deposits and are commonly known as stonewort. Cyanobacteria have been found to grow as
epiphytes on plant surfaces, where they may be involved in nitrogen fixation, which is important for plant nutrition.
Karnafully Foundation is moving forward with the aim of planting saplings. The sapling distribution ceremony organized
by Rangunia District Social Service Office was completed with the family of Karnafully Foundation and members of the