Lone Products

Here goes the report on the Loan Products of Karnafully Foundation:

Serial NoDescriptionRMC LoneME Lone
1Service charge, Declining method24%24%
2Service charge per Tk. 1000TK. 127TK. 127
3Number of weekly/Monthly installments to complete repaymentRepayment Number of weekly-46, Repayment Number of Monthly-11Repayment Number of weekly-46, Repayment Number of Monthly-11
41st repayment starts14 days after disbursement14 days and 1 month after disbursement for weekly and monthly installment system respectively
5Provision for advance repayment Last6 installmentsLast 6 installments for weekly and 1 installment for monthly repayment system
61st cycle loan amountTk. 1,000-50,000Tk. 50,000-5,00,000
71st loan disbursement1 week after enrollment1 week after enrollment
Note: Both the loan products have flexibility in terms of repayment and can be repaid without any other collateral or group guarantee.
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